
Help transport kids from the Sanctuary to the room
Come up with 10 minute lesson
Age group is 4 year olds through 1st Grade so try to keep it simple
Keep kids involved; ask questions, have some of them hold something, use pictures, have them act something out...       
Come up with an activity, game or craft for after your lesson
It should deal with what you just taught .  Plan on having 30 kids.   If you need supplies for your activity or game the supply closet is open. If there is anything you need that is not available in the closet, let Tim Zittle know and he can get the supplies. Please close the supply closet door before you leave.    If you need an idea for an activity or game feel free to ask your helpers, or Tim.
Give your helpers a heads up 
Tell them about the lesson and activity so they don’t come in blind, they are there to help you in any way – use them! If you need phone numbers of your helpers let us know.
Stay for the whole time.  
Don’t leave after you have taught the lesson.  Stay and help with the activity and dismissal of kids.

      --Transport kids from the Sanctuary to the room        
      --Keep kids under control   
      --Take kids to the bathroom, if needed   
      --Help the Speaker with lesson if needed   
      --Help the kids with activity
      --Transport kids to Large Conf Room then to the FLC
      --Bring the Blue Sign-In/Sign-Out Notebook down to FLC
      --Help in the Dismissal Process
Basic Schedule – 

(Children’s Worship usually last 45 minutes)
Come into the CWH Room and settle down (3 minutes)
The kids have a tendency to share a seat, sit on the stack chairs or argue over who gets to sit where
Offering (1-2 minutes)
Please choose a boy and a girl to pass around the offering trays. Then pray for the offering and have the kids take up the collection. The head usher will come and collect it; he also takes a count of the kids and adults.
Take Attendance (1-2 minutes)
Use the blue attendance notebook then bring that to th FLC where parents will sign their kids out from that same notebook.
Bathroom Break (5 minutes)
Ask before the lesson starts who has to go to the bathroom.  Keep in mind that the 4 year olds need to be strongly encouraged to go at that time so they will not interupt the lesson later.
Lesson – (10 minutes)
Activity* – (10 minutes)
You can break up the kids into 2 groups -  (younger & older)
Use the rooms across the Hall- 
---the younger can go into the 2nd grade S.S. room (Neptune)
---the older can go into the 3rd grade S.S. room (Saturn)
Do Something Now (10 minutes)
When prompted from the sanctuary that the invitation has started, please have everyone walk down to the Large Conf. Room to see the "Do Something Now" on the big screen.  After it is finished you can proceed to the FLC
FLC Dismissal
You can use this time to review the lesson with quiz questions, play a game or sing a song.  Have parents sign out their kids out in the welcome center.  Parents do not come in to the FLC. You just send their kids to them.

*The Supply closet is open for you to use anything you need