Help transport kids from the Sanctuary to the room
Come up with
10 minute lesson
Age group is
4 year olds through 1st Grade so try to keep it simple
Keep kids
involved; ask questions, have some of them hold something, use pictures, have
them act something out...
Come up with an
activity, game or craft for after your lesson
It should deal with what you just taught . Plan on having 30 kids. If you need
supplies for your activity or game the supply closet is open. If there is
anything you need that is not available in the closet, let Tim Zittle know and he can get the supplies. Please close the supply closet door before you leave. If you need an
idea for an activity or game feel free to ask your helpers, or Tim.
Give your helpers
a heads up
Tell them about the lesson and activity so they don’t come in blind, they are
there to help you in any way – use them! If you need phone numbers of your
helpers let us know.
Stay for the
whole time.
Don’t leave after you have taught the lesson. Stay and help with
the activity and dismissal of kids.
--Transport kids from the Sanctuary to the room
--Keep kids under control
--Take kids to the bathroom, if needed
--Help the Speaker with lesson if needed
--Help the kids with activity
--Transport kids to Large Conf Room then to the FLC
--Bring the Blue Sign-In/Sign-Out Notebook down to FLC
--Help in the Dismissal Process